Divorce Course


This course applies to marriages and civil partnerships in England and Wales only.

Once purchased, the course will be available for immediate download.

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Divorce Course

Who is this course for?
This course is designed to bridge the gap between navigating the divorce process alone and paying for full legal representation.

I will teach you how to get it right and protect yourself in just a few simple steps and for less than 12 minutes of the average solicitors’ billable time.

I’ll take you through the process step by step, making sure you get it right. The secret is having just a little legal knowledge, which is what I’ll be sharing with you throughout this course. Shhh! Don’t tell the legal profession!

As well as the divorce process itself, we’ll cover questions such as:

  • What documentation you need to start your application?
  • What to do if you don’t know where your ex-partner is or you don’t have their address?
  • What to do if your ex-partner ignores the court paperwork?
  • What to do if you want to keep your address confidential from your ex-partner?

The module outlines are:


1. Eligibility Criteria;
2. Other Considerations;
3. Before You Apply;
4. What You Need To Apply;
5. Help With Fees.


1. Ways To Apply;
2. Joint Application or Sole Application?
3. Starting Your Application.


1. What Happens After You Apply?
2. What Happens If The Other Party Does Not Respond?
3. Applying For A Conditional Order;
4. Applying For A Final Order.

The course contains clickable, hyperlinks to take you straight to the correct and most up to date forms, which you’ll need to use if you are making a paper application.

The course also has its own dedicated email address for educational queries: divorcecourse@thefriendlyfamilylawyer.co.uk

Every aspect of the process has been considered to help you avoid unnecessary stress and delay!


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